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Anglican Church

The Anglican Church is the work of London architect William Burges and was built in 1879 by Friedrich Zickler.

An Englishwoman called Anna Scott of Rodono came up with the idea of building the church in honour of her husband who had died in Mariánské Lázně in 1867. She donated 12,000 gold coins to fund the project. The church is made of red bricks with no stucco in an English Romano-Gothic style. Only some of the original indoor fittings have been preserved - this includes the pulpit and a marble memorial plaque from 1911 dedicated to King Edward VII of England who visited Mariánské Lázně several times. A section of the permanent exhibition inside is dedicated to him.
Following reconstruction in 1994, the church was reopened as an exhibition and concert hall.

Opening hours

Varies according to event


Cup Vital s.r.o.
Masarykova 626/1, 353 01Mariánské Lázně
tel.: + 420 354 546 211, + 420 354 546 218

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