The Official Tourist Website for Marianske Lazne
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Barren Hill - Planý vrch

This is a natural pine growth area on the southeast slope of Planý Hill with exposed serpentinite rock formations, partly interrupted by a small extinct rock quarry covered by a rare botanical community.

The protected species of plants and animals live here undisturbed under the protection of the proclaimed Planý Vrch natural reservation. Nature lovers can find it by going 9 kilometers south-southeast of Mariánské Lázně, about 1.5 km east of Prameny.

Basic information


nature reserve


735 - 800 m above sea level

Extent of specially protected area

11.260 hectares

Border length

1 600 m


The geological structure of the Planý Vrch nature reservation is very simple. In the middle part of the protected territory there is a marked morphological ridge running roughly northeast-southwest, formed by serpentinite. Other occurrences of serpentinite are located at the northeast border of the reservation. An observant expert is sure to notice this greenish grey-black mineral that forms a number of significant and rare outcroppings. Among them are delicate antigorite infused with red pigment of magnetite with chromite, chlorite, rare spinel, rutile, and in places relicts of bronzite pressed with tromolite and antigorite. Serpentinite was mined in the northeast part of the protected area, as shown by the abandoned mines and mounds of waste material.

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